STEPi Coordinators Experiences

The STEPi Community Engagement Coordinators embark on roadtrips each month to reach schools in many under-resourced and somewhat “forgotten” communities.

The purpose of these roadtrips is to engage with and encourage children to be curious and imaginative so that they will fall in love with books and reading. Once they have cultivated a love for reading, they can then understand the importance of education.

During the roadtrips, our coordinators often observe and experience the joys and hardships of the communities they visit. Coordinators are seen as allies in the storm of life, and so they see and experience the joy and heartache of these communities, either from the children, parents or teachers. The children share their joy at owning their very first storybook, but also the difficulties they are experiencing either at home or at school due to poverty, lack of support and resources, domestic violence, substance abuse or anything else. There is both wonder and heartache for all on these trips.

Read more about some of the recent experiences our Community Engagement Coordinators have had in communities across Uganda and South Africa.

“There is one school in the Western Cape, South Africa, that really gripped my heartstrings because of the poverty and hardships that these children experience at home and in their communities. Yet, at school they will still put a smile on their face and be willing to learn. So if I can do something to change a child’s life then I will do it because I know what it is like to grow up in poverty.”

Elmordine, STEPi Community Engagement Coordinator, South Africa

"Nothing makes me happier than when I see children read and tell stories of what they read in the books. The stories in our books inspire children to want to learn. At Panyimur primary school in Pakwach district, a 13 year old boy narrated how the book Congazori taught him to always keep his home and school clean. That is how we model children who can thrive and become great change-makers."

Joshua, STEPi Community Engagement Coordinator, Uganda

"Children and learning and books belong together, have a right to be together, regardless of their social background."

Micheal, STEPi Coordinator, Uganda.

View this video snippet of Micheal’s roadtrip to a community in Northern Uganda where children received their own books for the very first time.

“At Lenyora Lathutho Technical school, I overheard Reba and Lefa wishing their school had our books. They kept guessing which one they would enjoy most. Reba and Lefa, are grade 6 pupils who had never owned a book in their lifetime. When I chatted with them, they asked if they could read “A Boy Named Justice''. As soon as they received copies, they started reading right away. Other learners joined them and they were all reading silently and happily. This touched my heart because as parents/teachers, we overlook the importance of exposing children to books and to reading for enjoyment. In my roadtrips, I have seen children's eyes sparkle when they learn that the STEPi books are theirs to read. It was Reba and Lefa's first time they owned books and also their first time reading a book with a character that looked like them.”

Pumeza, STEPi Community Engagement Coordinator, South Africa

“At my Taekwondo centre and during my roadtrips, I focus on introducing a reading culture and spreading the messages in our books and resources to bring the best out of everyone. I was on a roadtrip in the Lukka District, and one of the students shared her story with me. She got pregnant at 11 years old; she is now 13 and she said, ‘I have been inspired by “Amani the Boda-Boda Rider”. We grow up in this toxic environment with stereotypes like a girl child cannot get higher education as it’s only for men/boys but now I feel empowered. “A Boy Named Justice” has given me courage to stand on my two legs to say “no” when needed. I believe I can do it and giving birth at a age 11 doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road for me.’”

Master Badru, STEPi Community Engagement Coordinator, Uganda


Re-Igniting Hope in Educating Children


Children Receive Books for the First Time