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Education and Happiness?
Parents in the USA say happiness is what they want for their kids. But what does happiness or education even mean? I think for both parents in Africa and the USA, education means preparing our children for the real world. In Uganda the assumption is education brings success. In the USA we feel happiness is success.
Butterflies and Parenting
Children learn. But what do we want them to learn? Do we want them to learn to be: persistent? Good communicators? Good at relationships? Respectful? Happy? Self-reliant? A self-starter? Able to read so they can read to learn?
Why Emmanuel Can’t Read
It is sad that there seems to be more “Emmanuel’s” that can’t read than “Patrick’s” in Africa, because the “book maths” of creating a reading culture is really quite simple: We need great, fun stories that are well-illustrated and feature places, people, images and situations that Africa’s children can relate to. A vibrant, positive, “BOOKS ARE TOYS TOO,” reading culture in Africa is achievable.