Kind Words For A Kind World

As told by: Uncle Books


What are words? Kind. Hate. Friendly. Powerful. Weapons. So, what are your words to your child? In one home, a boy disorganizes his father’s home library. The father keeps telling him, “You love playing with my books, son. One day you will be a great reader.” In the next home, a girl mishandles a glass of water while serving her father, and it slides to the ground into pieces. The father rants, “You are stupid girl. When will you ever do better in this world?” 


Who among these kids do you think will be motivated to try that which they think they can do best? 


In my village, a man stabbed his wife to death because his mother told him that his wife was in another relationship outside their marriage. Now do you see that words can also kill? Children are taught that words cannot kill them and, when they are in situation where they are heavily affected by something someone has said, they are taught to brush it off. There is this saying which has been passed down through generations of people – my grandmother told my mother, and my mother told me that words are not as harmless as we make them out to be. 


Words can be cruel. That’s why most times, I contemplate shutting my mouth and never stating my opinion. Although this is self-dishonesty, I am always mindful that there is a chance my words could hurt someone. I word my opinions carefully and think about what I say. Maybe that’s all we need to do – make sure our brains think faster than our mouths. 


This world and the life we all live is a mind. The ruler is the mind. Wars, mental diseases, drug abuse, violence, personal problems are all because of the mind. Schools, family, social groups, religions or even political affiliations are all minds creating other minds in their own image. Many children, as sad as it is to know, never really have a choice. They are born into a sick society and they have to follow rules and norms or they would be declared outcasts, or worse. 


 So, let’s model kindness in our world. Nothing is more important than to find out how we can live in the best way possible according to the golden rule of life. We are not humans having a spiritual experience. We are spirits having a human experience. We are one. That’s why when we die, our gender, race, faith or net worth stays behind. It is our spirit which departs from the human shell. 


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